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They say everyone has a story to tell. The common denominator in the story of the people that are a part of Mt. Taylor Baptist Church, is that we all have seen a need for the Savior Jesus. We are sinners saved by the wonderful grace of our LORD. The way we see it, our folks are part of the family of God, it is unique family because we are all accepted by God's grace and love. Nothing of ourselves could ever make us accepted by God. According to the scripture, Jesus left heaven and came down to earth. He lived a sinless life, a perfect life. He lived among men, and one day gave His life on a cross, paid for the world's sin, was buried, and arose on the third day. We believe Jesus died in our place, and arose from the dead. We believe He proved His love for us by becoming our sin bearer. God has given us a book called the Bible that we can learn more about Him, and his direction for our lives. 

We come from all sorts of different backgrounds, ethnicity, social status, and we rejoice in the common bond of faith in Christ.  Perhaps you are looking for answers. We invite you to be a part any of our services, and come and learn about this wonderful Savior Jesus, and become part of a spiritual family that is still growing in grace and knowledge of the truth.

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